Restorative Dentistry in West Hartford

Our West Hartford office

Repair damaged teeth, replace missing teeth, and get your smile back.

With our expertise, advanced dental technology, and patient-focused approach to restorative dentistry, you can trust Dr. Kaur and our West Hartford team to deliver the best possible restorative results. Whether you’ve got a few cavities or severe damage to most of your teeth, we’re here to help.

Understanding The Basics

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

As the name may suggest, restorative dentistry is concerned with restoring the health of your teeth. It can include fillings, crowns, tooth extractions, dental implants, and much more. With early intervention, restorative dentistry can prevent further complications and even save you time and money.

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What Can I Expect At My Initial Appointment?

Are you getting ready for your first restorative appointment with Dr. Rabia Kaur? Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect during your appointment at Arch Dental of West Hartford.

Oral Exam & Discussion

To begin your appointment, Dr. Kaur will examine your mouth and take x-rays. Then, she will discuss your oral health with you. You’ll also go over your budget, your preferences, and the expected time frame for your treatment.

Develop Your Treatment Plan

You will work closely with Dr. Kaur to choose the treatment plan that’s right for you. There are often multiple options for restoring your oral health, so she will explain all of the details, costs, and benefits so that you choose the right treatment for your situation.

Schedule Follow-Up Appointments

Next, you’ll work with our front office team to schedule your follow-up appointments in West Hartford. Then, simply come into our office as scheduled for treatment, and take the first steps toward a healthier mouth.

Restorative Treatment Options

Wondering what your options are for restoring your oral health in West Hartford? Let’s take a look at a few common restorative treatments now.

Dental Fillings

Fillings use tooth-colored material to fill cavities and prevent them from damaging your teeth. They are fast, safe, and are the best way to stop tooth decay from getting worse.

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are made of porcelain, and are usually used to repair cavities that are too big for fillings, but too small for crowns. They are very durable, long-lasting, and are matched to the color of your teeth for excellent cosmetic results.

Lab-Made Crowns

We use lab-made porcelain dental crowns. These look and feel just like natural teeth, and are custom-made to fit into your mouth perfectly. Crowns are ideal for repairing large cavities and infected teeth, as well as teeth that have been cracked or damaged by oral trauma.

Dental Bridges

Bridges use two dental crowns. These are attached to two of your healthy teeth. Between them, one or more false teeth can be suspended, “bridging” the gap in your smile. They are durable, long-lasting, and look and feel very natural.

Full & Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are a fast, affordable way to restore multiple missing teeth. They snap onto your healthy teeth, and allow you to eat, speak, and smile normally. Full dentures are similar, but require the removal of any remaining teeth. They are only recommended if most or all of your natural teeth are unhealthy or damaged.

Oral Surgeries

Depending on your situation, further oral surgeries from our West Hartford practice may be needed to restore your oral health. This could include things like tooth extractions, bone grafts, alveoloplasty, and more.


What Issues Can Restorative Dentistry Solve?

Mainly, restorative dentistry is concerned with resolving serious oral health issues. This includes things like cavities, infected teeth, missing teeth, and teeth that have been damaged by oral injuries.

What Are The Benefits Of Restorative Dental Procedures?

Restorative dentistry from our West Hartford office protects your oral health, and prevents further complications. This saves you time and money. It also restores the appearance of your teeth and your mouth, which enhances your confidence and self-esteem.

What Is Considered A Dental Emergency?

If you’re experiencing any serious oral pain and discomfort, you’re likely experiencing a dental emergency. Common emergencies include tooth infections, teeth damaged by dental trauma, damaged dental work, and much more.

Is Restorative Dentistry Covered By Insurance?

Typically, the answer is “yes.” But coverage limits and other details vary depending on your insurer. Consult with them for more information about your policy and what it will cover at our West Hartford practice.

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